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LiberTeaA Real Genius Template
Friday 07 May 2010 at 03:58 am - Marketplace
LiberTea is a really modern website template. It can be used for any kind of site. Portfolio, personal, or corporate. Really easy to edit.
What you get ?
This theme is truly jam packed with all kinds of features. Check out the list below!
- 5 Modern Color Schemes
- Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict
- Valid CSS 2 .1
- Work on majors browsers (Safari, Firefox, IE 7 , IE 8, Opéra, Camino MAC and PC)
- Homepage Slider
- jQuery slider
- Google Map integration
- Cufon font replacement (Font used Quicksand)
- Functional PHP Email Form
- Captcha system (5 + 2 = ?)
- Various Page Templates and Layouts
- Blog Styling
- Nice pagination
- Multi background choice
- Config file to edit variables of theme (in PHP version)
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Hot damn, looking ptrety useful buddy.
RZYVUW <a href="http://nhberbzmoout.com/">nhberbzmoout</a>
Hi there. I asked you before, but I didn't received any answer ... I wanted to know if I can buy this as wordpress theme. I think it was available before.
I can't get the slider functionality to work -- with Nivo or other plugins I've tried. What am I doing wrong?
Re: "I can't figure out how to add the menu subtext." The description option was just hidden by default in the wordpress menus panel. Q: Pagination doesn't seem to be showing up on my site at all, is there some checkbox or setting I'm missing? How do I enable pagination on my LiberWP theme? Also is there a help forum or is this the only place to seek advice?
I downloaded your LiberWP theme a few months ago from Themeforest and somehow my category.php page got overwritten and messed up and it is causing the category functionality to not work. I do not have the original files anywhere and now it is deleted from Themeforest so I cannot retrieve them. Can you please send me the original category.php file from that theme? I am at the end of my rope and would really appreciate your help. Thanks.
Hi I've themed a client WordPress site with LiberWP and I can't figure out how to add the menu subtext. There is no page description field in WP 3.x. Also the menu rollovers don't seem to work either. Any advice would be helpful. One more thing, why is LiberWP no longer available on themeforest.net? Thanks - Jose
Are you working on the code becuase the website has crashed! Can you please contact me ASAP. the error is Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/byroncoo/public_html/wp-content/themes/LiberWP/functions.php on line 448
Hi, We have uploaded you theme to www.byroncooke.com and as you can see when people make comments there is a problem with the code? Can you let me know how we can fix this, or if we can give you access to the blog to be able to fix it as our coders cannot seem to work it out here. Would be much appreciated ASAP, as Byron's blog is gettign alot of global attention. Can you email me on Also i need some help with some customisations and was wondering if we could hire you to do that? Thanks Thanks - Shelli
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